What can we learn from that little blue box? It has starred in movies, made women crazy, and left men empty-pocketed.

Tiffany & Co. knows something! They know that people buy with their hearts more than their heads. This retailer has built a perception of luxury through every consumer touch point. 

They have created an experience that makes the consumer feel like a millionaire, even if they shoveled snow all week to buy an $85 Mesh Ring for their girlfriend. (Yes, many years back in college this was my story. She is now my wife.)

What matters are the stories we tell ourselves and the feelings we associate with the things we purchase. Who do you know who wouldn’t want the best of the best if you took price out of the conversation?

In all reality, what Tiffany & Co. is selling is not jewelry, but a lifestyle, status and confidence. The statement from a man to a woman is, “I love you enough to give you the best” (which isn’t always true). The jewelry is just the symbol of the feelings
being sold.